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View - A Functor for Web App Design

This blog is about practical applications of Category Theory to the development of Java + Spring applications. I am looking at a design approach to simplify the development of web applications. Traditionally, this kind of back-office application is based on the Web 1.0 technology stack, using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf. My approach is to keep using Spring Boot but replace the generation of HTML with J2HTML and higher-order views.

From a Category Theory point of view, we can look at web applications as mappings from the Category of Business Entities and the Category of UI Widgets. If we go one step further, both business entities and UI widgets are mapped to Java classes. Thus, we can view a web application (or a part of it) as an endofunctor in the Category of Java Classes.

We define the View-functor as follows:

  • domain(V) - Java classes representing business entities - e.g., Invoice, User - and,

  • codomain(V) - Java functions that render the business entity as a DomContent object (DomContent is the J2HTML representation of a browser’s DOM node in the document)

            In Java, the codomain is all the classes that implement the following interface:


public interface View<T> {

    public DomContent render(T t);


A specific application defines the mapping between the domain and codomain.

Note: a Functor in Category theory has a formal definition. Our use of the term is more relaxed but can be formalized. For example, the mapping defined here is not a pure-function in the mathematical sense because there can be many views for the same Java class. For the class String we can have a View that renders it as a paragraph (tag <p>) or preformatted (tag <pre>).

View Composition

The benefits of the View Functor become evident when creating complex views out of simple Views. For example, to show the string “Something, something, something” on a page:

Given the view of a type T (in this case String) that has a mapping of View<T>, we can create another View that is the representation of T as a “card” and another one as a “page.” This example shows the composition of three functions:

View of Optional

Another example is combining the View functor with other functors, such as Optional.

Then, the view of Optional<V> is:

    static public <T> View<Optional<T>> ofOptional(View<T> uv, Tag<?> c) {

        return (Optional<T> ou) -> ou




Consider the case of building a page to display the user information: if the user is logged in, show the user’s name, and if it  is not logged in, display a login message:

        View<UserDetails> vu = u -> p(u.getUsername()); // when user is logged in

        PTag TAG_NOT_LOGGED_IN = p("Not Logged In"); // message to login

        View<Optional<UserDetails>> vou = Views.ofOptional(vu, TAG_NOT_LOGGED_IN);

The ability of the view functor to compose with other views and combine with other functors is the major strength of this design approach. We can focus on writing the code for the typical case - rendering the User, Invoice, and Payment entities - and let the framework deal with the messy parts like optional, errors, etc.

View of List

Another example where View functor proved helpful was in rendering a list of entities given the rendering of an entity as a row. The View of a List is the composition of the View of the Entity with an HTML container tag:

    static public <T> View<List<T>> ofList(View<T> vt, ContainerTag<?> ct) {

        return (List<T> lt) -> ct.with(



ContainerTag is a J2HTML class corresponding to DOM nodes that can have children.

With this generic definition, we can define a view for a list of strings either as an unordered list tag with items (ul/li):

        List<String> l = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");

        View<List<String>> ulView = Views.ofList(s ->, new UlTag())

         ulView.render(l); // returns <ul><li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>

Or, as an HTML table:

        View<List<String>> tableView = Views.ofList(s -> tr().with(td(s)), new TableTag());


In this blog, I defined a functor called “View” and showed how to use it to build complex pages using composition and interactions with other functors.

Next Steps

I will continue to refine the View framework. The directions that I have in mind are:

  • Closer integration with the Spring framework - dependency-injected views. For example, the AccessControlProvider could be a Spring Bean

  • Cover the semantic gap between Spring MVC and this View framework

  • Scripted views - delegate some rendering functionality to the browser with styles and scripts. For example, rendering table pagination in Javascript

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